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Please scroll down and choose from one of the following four webpages
Would you be looking for a waterfront cottage on the coast of Maine to enjoy for a week or two?
Just click here on Sprucy or the picture above to learn more about our rental cottage at the very edge of Seal Harbor on Spruce Head Island in Penobscot Bay. A car bridge makes it easy to get to this island. Need to stay connected on your vacation? We have you covered with high speed wired and wireless connections.
If you are looking for a better business location in the midcoast area of Maine, just click here on the Custom House or on the picture to the right to find out about some excellent professional and storefront lease space opportunities located in the historic center of downtown Rockland, Maine on Main Street, U. S. Route One. This building also offers two waterview residential studio loft apartments on its top floor.
All of these sites are best viewed in person
and are suitable for all ages

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